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Why ‘Simplicity’ is my word of the year

Have you heard of the rise in popularity of selecting a ‘word of the year’ to summarise your focus and intentions for the year ahead?

Rather than creating a list of New Year resolutions it’s about choosing a word to encapsulate and represent the year you want to have. It can help set up your direction, productivity, and mindset.

It is something that I have done in my business for the last two years. 2022’s word for me was CONNECT – focusing on connecting all the tools, resources and marketing channels I utilise in a much clearer funnel, but also CONNECT with more business owners, say YES more and work alongside other experts in my business.

It really didn’t take me long to consider my word for 2023. SIMPLICITY is my word for 2023.

I have been working hard on simplified ways to support you with my 1:1 strategy sessions and Marketing Marvels Toolkit- making it much clearer for my perfect customer to understand how I can support them.

Also following on from 2022 I am streamlining all the marketing tools and systems I use too and cutting out all those subscriptions and platform payments we forget about or use once in a blue moon.

I am really keen to also not over complicate my out of business life. Juggling two kids, school runs, after school clubs and still maintaining friendships and the business can be tricky. The juggle struggle is real, RIGHT? So, I have been working on trying to move the children’s extra curricular activities around to have at least a couple of days a week where I am not running around like a headless chicken!

I have also scheduled dates in the diary with friends and loved ones right up until April 2023- particularly those we didn’t get to see enough in 2022. Don’t get my wrong- I will still have spontaneity but I wanted to also have lots of fun and amazing things to look forward to.

I am also working on simplifying my diary to a more online shared solution with my husband so we can both see what is coming up and all the life-admin doesn’t always have to fall to me. Can anyone else relate?

Working flexibility is very important to me, and redefining what is means to run a business is a passion of mine and something I am still learning to do well. Realising I don’t have to follow the 9-5 that was so drilled into me in my corporate marketing career and actually make my business work for me will continue to be a focus. I know I can still do an amazing job for myself and my clients whatever hours I work or where I do it from.

Simplicity is already in action for me for 2023- you should be able to start to see a clearer picture of my offer across my marketing channels and social media.

Having this word as a focus is really helping direct my mindset and give me a vision of how I want my 2023 to play out. Of course, this word with sit alongside my business and marketing strategies for the year too.

What is your focus for 2023? If it involves getting to grips with your business and marketing then I would love to help you.

My 1:1 support sessions are a great way to get a picture of your focus for the year and I can help you map out the marketing projects and tasks so you can start getting the results you really want, rather than just going through the marketing motions.

I would love to hear what you think of my word of 2023 and please do share yours. You can reach me via my contact form or email [email protected]